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WHO International Biological Reference Preparations
Held and Distributed bv the WHO International Laboratories for Bioloaical Standards
Preparation Standard
Activin A, human. Recombinant, Lyophilized. 5 units / ampoule. Alphafoetoprotein, human, Lyophilized. 100,000 IU / ampoule. Amikacin, Lyophilized. 50,600 IU / ampoule. Amphotericin B, Lyophilized. 940 IU / mg. Approximately 50mg of Amphotericin B.Ancrod, Lyophilized. 55 IU / ampoule. Anthrax spore vaccine, Lyophilized spore suspension of Bacillusanthracis strain 34 F2. 1 IU / ampoule.Anti-A blood typing serum, human, Lyophilized. 470 IU / ampoule.Anti-A blood typing serum, human, Lyophilized. 860 IU / ampoule.Anti-A blood typing serum, human, Lyophilized. 1,00 IU / ampoule of agglutinating; 1,000 IU / ampoule of complement-fixing activity.Anti-brucella ovis serum, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / ampouleAnti-C complete blood-typing serum, human, Luman, Lyophilized. 100 IU / ampoule.Anti-c incomplete blood-typing serum, human, Luman, Lyophilized. 64 IU / ampoule.Anti-canine distemper serum, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / ampoule.Anti-canine hepatitis serum, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / ampoule.Anti-D (anti-Rh0) complete blood-typing serum, human, Lyophilized,128 IU / ampoule.Anti-D (anti-Rh0) complete blood-typing serum, human, Lyophilized,32 IU / ampoule.Anti-D immunoglobulin, human, Lyophilized. 300 IU (60 ug) / ampoule.Anti-double-stranded DNA serum, human, Lyophilized. 100 IU / ampoule.Anti-dysentery serum (Shiga), equine.Anti-E complete blood-typing serum, human, Lyophilized. 100 IU / ampoule.Anti-echinococcus serum, human, Lyophilized. 87.36 mg human serum/ ampoule.Anti-hepatitis A immunoglobulin, human, Lyophilized. 49 IU / ampoule.Anti-hepatitis B immunoglobulin, human, Lyophilized. 50 IU / ampoule.Anti-hepatitis E serum, human, Lyophilized. 50 units / ampoule.Anti-human platelet antigen-1a, Lyophilized. No unitage assigned.Anti-interferon alpha serum, human, Lyophilized. 8,000 neutralisingunits / ampoule.Anti-interferon beta serum, human, Lyophilized. 1,500 neutralising units/ ampoule.Anti-measles serum. Human, Lyophilized. 5 IU / ampoule.Anti-mycoplasma gallisepticum serum, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / ampouleof agglutinating activity and 1,000 IU / ampoule of haemagglutination-inhibiting activity.Anti-newcastle-disase serum, Lyophilized, 320 IU / ampoule.Anti-nuclear ribonucleoprotein serum, Lyophilized. No unitage assigned.Anti-nuclear-factor (homogeneous) serum, Lyophilized. 100 IU / AmpouleAnti-parvovirus B 19 (IgG) serum, Lyophilized. 100 IU / ampoule.Anti-pertussis serum, mouse.Anti-poliovirus serum (Types 1, 2, 3,), Lyophilized. 25 IU / ampoule(Type 1), 50 IU / ampoule (Type 2), 5 IU / ampoule (Type 3).Anti-Q-fever serum, bovine, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / ampoule.Anti-rabies immunoglobulin, human, Lyophilized. 30 / ampoule.Anti-rubella immunoglobulin, human, Lyophilized. 1,600 IU / vial.Anti-salmonella pullorum serum (Standard Form S), Lyophilized. 1,000IU / ampoule.Anti-salmonella pullorum serum (Variant Form V), Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / ampoule.Anti-smooth muscle serum, Lyophilized. No unitage assigned.Anti-staphylococcal P-V leucocidin serum, equine, Lyophilized, 150 IU /ampoule.Anti-swine fever serum, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / ampoule.Anti-syphilitic serum, human, Lyophilized. 49 IU / ampoule.Anti-tetanus immunoglobulin, human, Lyophilized. 120 IU / ampoule.Anti-tetanus serum, equine, Lyophilized. 1,400 IU / ampoule.Anti-thrombin, concentrate, human, Lyophilized. Functional potency-4.7IU / AMPOULE. Antigenic potency – 5.1 IU / ampoule.Anti-thrombin, plasma, human, Lyophilized. 0.85 IU / ampoule.Anti-thyroglobulin serum, human, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / ampoule.Anti-tick borne encephalitis serum (louping ill (Moredun) virus),Lyophilized. No unitage assigned.Anti-tick borne encephalitis serum (Russian spring-summer (sophynand absettarov) virus), Lyophilized. No unitage assigned.Anit-toxoplasma serum (lgG), human, Lyophilized. 20 IU / ampoule.Anti-toxoplasma serum, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / ampoule.Anti-typhoid serum, equine, Lyophilized. 5 ml of freeze dried horseserum per ampoule.Anti-varicella zoster immunoglobulin, human, Lyophilized. 50 IU /ampoule.Anti-yollow fever serum, monkey, Lyophilized. 143 IU / ampoule.Apolipoprotein A-1, Lyophilized. 1.66mg / vial.Apolipoprotein B. Frozen. 1.22g / l. Vials. 1 ml.Arginine vasopressin, Lyophilized. 8.2 IU / ampoule.Atrial natriuretic factor, human, Lyophilized. 2.5 IU / ampoule.Bacitracin, Lyophilized. Approximately 100mg of zinc bacitracin (74 IU/ mg)Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF-2), Lyophilized. 1,600 IU/ampoule.BCG vaccine, Lyophilized. 2.5mg of semi-dry bacillary mass / 5-mlampoule.Beta-2 microglobulin, Lyophilized. 100 IU / ampoule.Beta-thromboglobulin, human, Lyophilized. 500 IU / ampoule.Birch pollen extract (Betula verrucosa), Lyophilized. 100,000 IU / ampoule.Bleomycin complex A2/B2, Lyophilized. 8.910 IU / ampoule.Blood coagulation factor IX concentrate, human, Lyophilized. 10.7 IU/ vial.Blood coagulation factor IXa, concentrate, human, Lyophilized. 11.0IU/ ampoule.Blood coagulation factor VII concentrate, human, Lyophilized. 6.3 IU/ ampoule.Blood coagulation factor VIIa concentrate, human, Lyophilized. 5,130 IU/ ampoule.Blood coagulation factor VIII and von Willebrand factor, plasma, human, Lyophilized. 0.68 IU / ampoule Factor VIII;C; 0.94 IU / ampoule factorVIII, Antigen; 0.91 IU / ampoule VWF: antigen; 0.78 IU / ampouleVWF: ristocetin cofactor; 0.94 IU / ampoule VWF: collagen bindingBlood coagulation factor VIII concentrate, human, Lyophilized. 11.0 IU /ampoule.Blood coagulation factors II, VII, IX, X, plasma, human, Lyophilized.0.91 IU / (factor II), 1.00 IU (factor VII), 0.86 IU (factor IX), 0.93 IU(factor X) / ampoule.Blood coagulation factors II, and, X concentrate, human, Lyophilized.11.2 IU / (factor II), 10.2 IU (factor X) / ampoule.Bone morphogenic protein-2, Lyophilized. 5,000 units / ampoule.Brain drived neurotrophic factor, Lyophilized. 16,000 units / ampouleCalcitonin, eel, Lyophilized. 88 IU / ampoule.Calcitonin, human, Lyophilized. 1705 IU / ampouleCalcitonin, porcine, Lyophilized. 0.8 IU / ampoule.Calcitonin, salmon, Lyophilized. 138 IU / ampoule.Capreomyin, Lyophilized. 920 IU / mg, Approximately 80mg ofcapreomycin sulfate.Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), human, Lyophilized. 100 IU / ampoule.Chlortetracycline, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / mg, Approximately 75 mg ofchlortetracycline hydrochloride.Cholera antitoxin, goat, Lyophilized. 2,200 IU / ampoule.Cholera vaccine (Inaba), Lyophilized. 40,000,000,000 organisms /ampoule.Cholera vaccine (Ogawa), Lyophilized. 40,000,000,000 organisms /ampoule.Chorionic gonadotrophin, alpha subunit, human, for immunoassay,Lyophilized. 70 IU / ampoule.Chorionic gonadotrophin,beta subunit, human, for immunoassay,Lyophilized. 70 IU / ampoule.Chorionic gonadotrophin, human, Lyophilized. 650 IU / ampoule.Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor for the bioassay of human CNTF,Lyophilized. For bioassay: 8,000 units / ampoule, for immunoassay: 6.5ug / ampoule.Clostridium botulinum Type B antitoxin, equine, Lyphilized. 30.7 IU /ampoule.Clostridium botulinum Type B antitoxin, equine, Lyphilized. 1,000 IU /ampoule.Clostridium novyi alpha toxoid, Lyophilized. No unitage assigned.Clostridium perfringens beta antitoxin, equine, Lyophilized. 4,770 IU /ampoule.Clostridium perfringens beta toxoid, Lyophilized. No unitage assigned.Clostridium perfringens epsilin antitoxin, equine, Lyophilized. 1,020 IU /ampoule.Clostridium perfingens epsilon toxoid, Lyophilized. No unitage assigned.Colistin methane sulfonate, Lyophilized. 12,700 IU / mg, Approximately75mg of colistin methane sulfonate.Colistin, Lyophilized. 20,500 IU / mg, Approximatley 75mg of colistinSulfate.Corticotrophin (ACTH), porcine, Lyophilized. 5 IU / ampoule.C-reactive protein, human, Lyophilized. 0.049 IU / ampoule.Dihydrostreptomycin, Lyophilized. 820 IU / mg, Approximately 200mgof dihydrostreptomycin sulfate.Diphtheria (schick) test toxin, Lyophilized. 900 IU / ampoule.Diphtheria antitoxin, equine, Lyophilized. Bottles in the form of 10 ml of a solution of dried serum in 66% v/v of glycerol. 10 IU / ml.Diphtheria toxoid, adsorbed, Lyophilized. 160 IU / ampoule.Diphtheria toxoid, for flocculation tests, Lyophilized. 900 Lf IU / ampoule.Dog hair and dander extract (Canis domesticus). Lyophilized. 100.000IU / ampoule.Elcatonin, Lyophilized. 15 IU / ampoule.Endotoxin for Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) gelation tests,Lyophilized. 10,000 IU / ampoule.Epidermal growth factor (1-52), human, recombinant, Lyophilized. 1.75ug / ampoule. No unitage assigned.Epidermal growth factor , human, recombinant, Lyophilized. 2,000 IU/assigned.Erythromycin, Lyophilized, 920 IU / mg, Approximately 75 mg of erythromycin A base.Erythropoietin, human, urinary, Lyophilized. 10 IU / ampoule.Erythropoietin, rDNA-derived, Lyophilized. 86 IU / ampoule.Ferritin, human, recombinant, Lyophilized. 6.3 ug / ampoule.Fibrinogen concentrate human, Lyophilized. Total protein 15 mg /ampoule. Clottable protein 10.5mg / ampoule.Fibrinogen, plasma, human, Lyophilized. 2.2 mg / ampoule.FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand, Lyophilized. 1,000 units / ampoule.Follicle stimulating hormone, human, recombinant, for bioassay,Lyophilized, 138 IU / ampoule.Follicle stimulating hormone, human, pituitary, Lyophilized. 80 IU / ampoule.Follicle stimulating hormone, human, recombinant for immunoassay, Lyophillzed. 60 IU / ampoule.Follicle stimulating hormone, human, urinary (Urofollitropin), for Bioassay, Lyophilized. 121 IU / ampoule.Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone human, urinary for bioassay, Lyophilized. FSH 72 IU / ampoule.LH 70 IU / ampoule.Gas-gangrene antitoxin (Clostridium histolyticum), equine, Lyophilized.50 IU / ampoule.Gas-gangrene antitoxin (Clostridium histolyticum), equine, Lyophilized.270 IU / ampoule.Gas-gangrene antitoxin (Clostridium sordellii), equine, Liquid. 7,500 IU/ampoule Bottles in the form of 10ml of a solution of dried serum in 66% v/v of glycerol. 20 IU / ml.Gas-gangrene antitoxin, (Clostridium septicum), equine, Lyophilized.500 IU / ampoule.Gentamicin, Lyophilized. 31,020 IU / ampoule. Glucagons, porcine, lyophilized. 1,49 IU / ampoule.Gonadotrophin, equine serum, Lyophilized. 1,600 IU / ampoule.Gramicidin, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / mg. Approximately 55 mg of gramicidin.Granulocyte colony stimulating factor, human, recombinant, Lyophilized. 10,000 IU / ampoule.Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, human,recombinant, Lyophilized. 10,000 IU / ampoule.Haemoglobin A2, raised, Lyophilized. 5.3% (w/w) of total haemoglobin.Haemoglobin F, raised, Lyophilized. 3.4% (w/w) of total haemoglobin.Haemoglobincyanide, liquid. 49.79 umol / 1.Heparin, low molecular weight (calibrant for molecular weight distribution),Lyophilized. No unitage assigned.Heparin, low molecular weight, Liquid. 1097 IU / ampoule (anti-Xa), 326IU / ampoule (anti-lla).Heparin, unfractionated, Lyophilized. 2,031 IU / ampoule.Hepatitis A RNA, Lyophilized. 50000 IU / vial.Hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated, Frozen. 100 IU / ml of immunogenicactivity; 100 IU / ml of antgen content.Hepatitis B surface antigen, subtype adw2, genotype A, Lyophilized. 33IU / vial.Hepatitis B surface antigen, subtype adw2, genotype A, Lyophilized. Dilutonal panel (IU / vial: 8.25: 2.06; 0.52; 0.13)Hepatitis B vaccine, plasma derived, for immunogeniciy studies, Liquid.1.2 ml / ampoule. 20ug Hepatitis B surface antigen / ml.Hepatitis B virus DNA, Lyophilized. 500.000 IU / vial.Hepatitis C virus DNA, Lyophilized. 500.000 IU / vial.Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (precursor), human, Lyophilized.2.000 IU / ampoule.Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor , human, Lyophilized.4.000 IU /ampoule.HIV-1 p24 antigen, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU / ampoule.HIV-1 RNA, Lyophilized. 100.000 IU / vial.Horseradish peroxidase-conjugated sheep anti-human 1gG(H and Lchains), Lyophilized. No unitage assigned.House-dust mite extract (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus),Lyophilized. 10.000 IU / ampoule.Human antibody against Haman platelet 5B antigen.Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin for immunoassay of intact hCG,Lyophilized, 1.88 nmol / ampoule.Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin for immunoassay of alpha subunithCG (hCG-alpha), Lyophilized. 0.84 nmlo / ampoule.Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin for immunoassay of beta coreFragment hCG (hCG-beta-cf), Lyophilized. 1.02 nmol / ampoule.Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin for immunoassay of hCG beta subunit (hCG-beta), Lyophilized. 0.88 nmol/ampouleHuman Chorionic Gonadotrophin for immunoassay of nicked hCG(hCG-n), Lyophilized. 0.78 nmol/ampouleHuman Chorionic Gonadotrophin for immunoassay of nicked hCG betaSubunit (hCG-beta-n), Lyophilized. 0.33 nmol/ampoule 1st Reference Reagent 19981st International Standard 19751st International Standard 19831st International Standard 19631st International Reference Preparation 19761st International Reference Preparation 19782nd International Standard 19813rd International Standard 19812nd International Standard 19751st International Standard 19851st International Standard 19841st International Standard 19761st International Standard 1967 1st International Standard 19671st International Standard 19901st International Standard 19661st International Reference Preparation 19771st International Standard 19851st International Standard 1928 1st International Standard 1983 1st International Reference Reagent 1975 2nd International Standard 1998 1st International Reference Reagent 1977 1st Reference Reagent 19971st Reference Reagent 1997 1st International Reference Reagent 1994 1st International Reference Reagent 1994 2nd International Standard 19901st International Reference Preparation 19691st International Reference Preparation 19681st International Reference Preparation 19831st International Reference Preparation 19701st International Standard 19951st Reference Reagent 19992nd International Standard 19911st International Standard 19541st International Standard 19931st International Standard 19961st International Standard 19931st International Standard 19731st International Reference Reagent 19831st International Standard 19651st International Standard 19631st International Standard 19581st International Standard 19922nd International Standard 19692nd International Standard 19972nd International Standard 19941st International Reference Preparation 19781st International Reference Preparation 19641st International Reference Preparation 19641st International Standard 20033rd International Standard 19941st International Reference Preparation 19571st International Standard 19871st International Standard 19621st International Reference Reagent 19921st International Reference Reagent 19931st International Standard 19781st International Standard 19872nd International Standard 19641st International Standard 19931st International Reference Preparation 19651st International Standard 19851st International Standard 19841st International Standard 19861st International Reference Preparation 19803rd International Standard 19961st International Standard 19991st International Standard 19981st International Standard 19935th International Standard 20037th International Standard 20033rd International Standard 20013rd International Standard 19991st Reference Reagent 19971st Reference Reagent 19971st International Standard 19892nd International Standard 19912nd International Standard 19913rd International Standard 19991st International Reference Preparation 19671st International Reference Preparation 19752nd International Standard 19691st International Standard 19842nd International Reference Preparation 19712nd International Reference Preparation 19711st International Reference Preparation 19741st International Reference Preparation 19744th International Standard 19991st Reference Reagent 20012nd International Standard 19851st International Standard 19621st International 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Reference Reagent 20011st Reference Reagent 20011st Reference Reagent 20011st Reference Reagent 20011st Reference Reagent 2001
Human growth hormone, pituitary, Lyophilized. 4.4 IU / ampoule.Human serum complement components C1q, C4, C5, factor B, andwhole functional complement CH50, Lyophilized. C1q: 100 IU / ampoule, C4: 100 IU / ampoule, Factor B: 100 IU / ampoule, Wholefunctional complement CH50: 100 IU / ampoule.Human serum immunoglobulin E, Lyophilized. 5,000 IU / ampoule.Human serum immunoglobulins G, A, and M (lgG, lgA ang lgM),Lyophilized. 100 IU lgG, 100 IU lgA ang 100 IU lgM / ampoule.Human serum proteins, for immunoassay: albumin; alpha-1-antitrypsin;Alpha-2-macroglobulin; ceruloplasmin; complement C3; transferring,Lyophilized, 100 IU of each protein / ampoule.lnhibin A, human, recombinant, Lyophilized. 150,000 IU / ampoule.Inhibin B Lyophilized. Lmmunoassay calibration 12ng / ampoule.Bioactivity: 12 units / ampoule.Inhibin, porcine, Lyophilized. 2,000 IU / ampoule.Insulin C-peptide, human, Lyophilized. 10ug / ampoule.Insulin, bovine, Hydrated crystals. 25.7 IU / mg. Approximately 50 mg /ampoule.Insulin, human, for immunoassay, Lyophilized. 3 IU / ampoule.Insulin, human, Hydrated crystals. 26 IU / mg. Approximately 50mg /ampoule.Insulin, porcine, Hydrated crystals. 26 IU / mg. Approximately 50mg /ampoule.Insulin-like growth factor 1 for bioassay, Lyophilized. 150 IU / ampoule.Insulin-like growth factor I for immunoassay,lyophilized.3.1ug/ampoule.Insulin-like growth factor II, human, recombinant ,Lyophilized.5,000units/ampoule.Interferon alpha, human , leukocyte N3, Lyophilized .60,000IU/Ampoule.Interferon alpha1/8,human, Lyophilized.27,000IU/ampouleInterferon alpha 2c , human, recombinant , Lyophilized.40,000IU/Ampoule.Interferon alpha consensus,human, recombinant , Lyophilized.100,000IU/ampouleInterferon alpha, human, leukocyte (HulFN-a(Le)),Lyophilized.11,000IU/ampoule.Interferon alpha ,human , lymphobiastoid N1 (HuiFN-alpha(Ly)).Lyophilized. 38,000IU/ampoule.Interferon alpha-1 (alpha-D),human,recombinant,(rHuIFN-alpha1(alphad)). Lyophilized.8,000IU/ampouleInterferon alpha2a. human, recombinant (rHuIFN-alpha2(alpha-A)),Lyophilized.63,000IU/ampoule.Interferon alpha2b ,human, recombinant, (rHuIFN-alpha2(alpha-2b)),Lyophilized. 70,000IU/ampouleInterferon beta ser – 17 , human , recombinant (rHuIFN-beta (ser-17)),Lyophilized. 6,000IU/ampoule.Interferon beta , human , fibroblast (HuIFN-beta), Lyophilized.4,000IU/Ampoule.Interferon gamma, human , recombinant , Lyophilized. 80,000IU/Ampoule.Interferon omega, human , recombinant,Interferon,chick, Lyophilized. 80IU/ampoule.Interferon , murine, alpha (MuIFN-alpha),Lyophilized. 16,000IU/ampoule.Interferon,murene,beta (MuIFN-beta ), Lyophilized. 15,000IU/ampouleInterferon, murine, gamma (MuIFN-gamma), Lyophilized 1,000IU/Ampoule.Interferon , rabbit , Lyophilized. 10,000IU/ampouleInterleukin-1 alpha, human , Lyophilized. 117,000IU/ampoule.Interleukin-1 beta , human, Lyophilized. 100,000IU/ampoule.Interleukin-10. human, Lyophilized. 5,000units/ ampoule.Interleukin-11 human, Lyophilized . 5,000units /ampouleInterleukin-12,human, Lyophilized. 10,000 units /ampouleInterleukin-13 , human, Lyophilized. 1,000 units /ampoule.Interleukin-15 , human, Lyophilized. 1,0000 units /ampoule.Interleukin-2 , human, Lyophilized. 1,00 IU /ampoule.Interleukin-3 , human, Lyophilized. 1,700 IU /ampoule.Interleukin-4 , human, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU /ampoule.Interleukin-5, human, Lyophilized. 5,000 units /ampoule.Interleukin-6 , human, Lyophilized. 100,000 IU /ampoule.Interleukin-7 , human, Lyophilized. 100,000 units /ampoule.Interleukin-8, human, Lyophilized. 1,000 IU /ampoule.Interleukin-9 , human, Lyophilized. 1,000 units /ampoule.Islet cell antibodies , Lyophilized. 20 units /ampoule of islet cellAntibodies; 100units/ampoule of anti-GAD65;100units/ampouleOf anti-IA-2Kanamycin,Lyophilized. 10,345IU/ampouleKininogenase, porcine, pancreatic,Lyophilized.22.5 IU/ampouleLeptin,human, Lyophilized. 4,000 IU/ampouleLeptin,mouse, Lyophilized. 4,000 IU/ampouleLeukaemia inhibitory factor, Lyophilized. 10,000units/ampouleLipoprotein (a) Loyphilized 0.107 nanomoles/vialLuteinizing hormone , bobine, for immunoassay,Lyophilized. 0.025 IU/ampouleLuteinizing hormone, human,pituitary, alpha subunit,Lyophilized 10IU/ampoule.Luteinizing hormone, human,pituitary, beta subunit,Lyophilized 10IU/ampoule.Luteinizing hormone, human,pituitary, Lyophilized 35 IU/ampoule.Lymecycline,Lyophilized. 948 IU/mg Approximately 100mg.Lysine vasopressin, Lyophilized. 7.7 IU/ampoule.Macrophage colony stimulating factor. Human, recombinant,Lyophilized. 60,000IU/ampouleMAPREC analyses of poliovirus type 3 (Sabin).Lyophililzed . 0.9%472-CNucleotide/vial.MAPREC analyses of poliovirus type 3 (Sabin),low virus referenceLyophililzed . 0.7%472-C Nucleotide/vial.Measles vaccine (live),Lyophilized. 4.3log 10(20000)infectious units/vialMethacycline,Lyophoilized. 924 IU/mg . Approximately 50mg of Methacycline hydrochlolride.Mumps vaccine (live),Lyohilized. 4.6 log 10(40000)infectious units/vialNeomycin B,Lyophilized. 670 IU/mg . Ampoules containing Approximately 25mg of neomycin B sulfate.Neomycin,Lyophilized. 775 IU/mg Ampoules containingApproximately 50mg of neomycin B sulfate.Nerve growth factor, Lyophilized. 10,000units / ampouleNetilmicin, Lyophilized 4.810 IU/ampouleNewcastle (Hitchner B 1 strain )disease vaccine , live Lyophilized.NoUnitage assigned.Newcastle disease vaccine (inactivated), Lyophilized . 525 IU/ampoule.Novobiocin,Lyophilized 970 IU/mg Approximately 100mg of Novobiocin acid.Nystatin , Lyophilized 4,855IU/mg , Approximately 100mg Oncostatin M lyophilized . 25,000units /ampouleOpacity,Oxytocin, lyophilized 12.5 IU /ampoule Parathyroid hormone , bovine, lyophilized , 39 IU/ ampoule Parathyroid hormone , human , for immunoassay , lyophilized ,0.1 IU/Ampoule Paromamycin.Parvovirus B 19 DNA human , lyophilized . 500,000 IU / ampouliPertussis Toxin, Lipuid. 10000 IU/ampoulePerti\ussis vaccine, lyophilized 46 IU / ampoule Placental lactogen, human , for immunoassay, lyophilized 0.000850 IU/ampoulePlasmin, human , lyophilized 5.3 IU / ampoulePlasminogen-activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1),human , lyophilized, Tissue-Plasminogen-activator 27.5 IU of neutralizing activiy / ampoule. Urinary-Plasminogen-activator 7 IU of neutralizing activity/ampoulePlatelet derived growth factor –Bbisoform, lyophilized , 3,000 IU/ampoulePlatelet foctor 4 , Lyophilized. 400IU/ampoulePoliomyelitis vaccine (inactivated),lyophilized. Type 1 antigen. 430 D-Antigen units / ml , Type 2 antigen :95 D- antigen unts /ml Type3Antigen : 285 D-antigen units / ml.Poliovirus (Sabin)live attenuated. Lyophilized. Type1:66 log 10CCID50/ml ; Type 2:5.6log 10CCID50 / ml ; Type 3:6.2 log10CCID50 Polymyxin B. 1st International Standard 19821st International Reference Preparation 19802nd International Reference Preparation 19801st International Reference Preparation 19701st International Reference Preparation 19771st International Standard 19941st Reference Reagent 20001st International Standard 19901st International Reference Reagent 19861st International Standard 19861st International Reference Reagent 19741st International Standard 19861st International Standard 19861st International Standard 1994l st Reference Reagent 2000lst Reference Reagent 1999lst intemational Standard 1999lst intemational Standard 1999lst intemational Standard 1999lst intemational Standard 19992 nd intemational Standard 19992 nd intemational Standard 1999lst intemational Standard 19992 nd intemational Standard 19992 nd intemational Standard 1999l st international Reference Reagent 19873 rd international Standard2003l st intemational Standard 1994l st intemational Standard 1999l st international Reference Reagent 19872 nd intemational Standard 19872 nd intemational Standard 1987l st international Reference Reagent 1987l st intemational Standard 1978l st intemational Standard 1989l st intemational Standard 1989l st Reference Reagent 1997l st Reference Reagent 1996l st Reference Reagent 1996l st Reference Reagent 1996l st Reference Reagent 1996l st international Standard1987l st international Standard1994l st international Standard1994l st Reference Reagent 1996l st international Standard1992l st Reference Reagent 1996l st international Standard1995l st Reference Reagent 1996l st Reference Reagent 1999l st international Standard1986l st international Standard1982l st international Standard1999l st international Standard1999l st Reference Reagent 1996l st Reference Reagent 2003l st international Standard1985l st international Standard1984l st international Standard19842 nd intemational Standard 19882 nd international Reference preparation1971l st international Standard1978l st international Standard1992l st international Standard1997l st international Standard1996l st international Standard19972 nd intemational Reference Reagent 1994l st international Reference preparation1969l st intemational Reference Reagent 1994l st international Reference preparation19752 nd international Reference preparation1975l st Reference Reagent 1996l st international Standard1989l st international Reference preparation1967l st international Standard1963l st international Standard19652 nd international Standard1982l st Reference Reagent 19965 th international Standard19754 th international Standard1978l st international Standard1985l st international Reference preparation1981l st international Reference preparation1996l st international Standard2000l st international Standard20033 st international Standard1998l st international Reference preparation19773 st international Standard1998l st international Standard1995l st international Standard 1997l st international Standard1984l st intemational Reference Reagent 1994l st intemational Reference Reagent 19952 nd intemational Standard 1969
